It was time for everyone to start cooking. Gus assisted everyone to get the stoves burning and the cauldrons ready. As Gus had different stations for kitchen prep, he also has different stations for cooking. Cindy and Gretel were given the responsibility to man the Fry Station. They prepared their batter which Gus taught them to make, along with the cut potato fries, cut onion rings, cut potato chips, and raw porc chops. A cauldron is then filled with Palm oil, mixed with peanut oil and lard for additional flavor! Gus also gave them a pair of tongs for them to use as they fry.

The instructions were clear, thanks to Gusford Jr. The onion rings and porc slices will be dipped in the batter before it is fried. As for the rest, they just need to fry them till they are Golden Brown!

Gus reminded them to double fry the potato chips and the french fries to make them really crispy!

Gus gave them a small bottle of salt to use for after cooking.

Next, Sarah was given the responsibility to cook the French Onion soup and the Tomato sauce for the porc balls. Gus taught her to caramelize the mounds of thinly sliced onions, over a low fire using butter, then later adding the Minotaur Stock as its soup base. She was also responsible for cooking the porc balls itself which Griffin and Gusford jr. made, to be added later in the tomato sauce.

She Started with lightly frying the porc balls with a bit of orc lard till they are brown. Setting the cooked porc balls aside, Sarah used the same cauldron and added the aromatic cut onions, cut garlic and more butter which they prepared a while ago. As the onions turned transparent, the aroma of meat and butter intensified. She added the cooked porc balls and finally added the tomato sauce which they crushed earlier. She let the 2 cauldrons simmer and let the flavors build-up while stirring once in a while to avoid burning the food.

The Boys along with Little Sage were assigned at the Roast or Oven Station. After Gus has accelerated the marination process and the bacon's dry curing process in his spatial inventory, he instructed the boys to help little Sage put the tenderloins she carefully marinated in the oven. As Little Sage was dancing in excitement, the boys also roasted their massive, marinated Minotaur and pOrc Ribs. As the boys have more free time on their hands, Ray and Griffin helped Cindy fry food at her station. Gus gave her daughter Little Sage the responsibility of watching all the meat in the oven, making sure that it won't burn! She doesn't have to worry as Gusford jr. is always at her side to guide her.

"Daughter, it is time for you to use that!" said the crossed arm Gus while looking at his busy cooks.

"Yes Papa!" said Little Sage as she quickly unsheathed her iron spoon from her tiny pocket. She rushed to every station along with her little Gusford and tasted everyone's dishes to make sure that their seasoning is just right!

But Suddenly, The Kitchen doors have opened! Everyone panicked because Gus is totally exposed!

Just a few minutes ago in the Dining Room ---------

"Where is everybody?" asked Rhoanne as she was walking around the Orphanage with Nico.

"I haven't seen Ms. Stillwater as well. Perhaps, they're in the kitchen?"

As they walked and finally approached the kitchen doors, they can see streams of ember light seeping out from the crevices of the door. As the duo walked closer to the dancing yellow lights, A thick barrier of intoxicating smell has stopped them on their tracks. The Smell Of Onions, Butter, Meat, and Oil was everywhere! They were hearing sizzling noises and clashing of metals.

Different voices were heard.

"Sharp Knife Behind! Passing through"---

"Carrying hot food from Behind!"----

"Need more Batter Please! I'm running out!" ----

Even a Small familiar voice was heard.

"Big Brother Griffin! You almost put salt instead of sugar! you deserve 5 Bops on the head!"----

"Big Brother Ray, Pwease go help with the breads!"----

"Mish Sarah! The onion soup is yummy!"----- Ah! My Roast should be done!"

Nico and Rhoanne just blankly stared at each other.

"Boss, were still in the orphanage right? I didn't remember taking my nap in a tavern." asked Rhoanne.

"Don't be silly Rhoanne! Can't you recognize their voices?" said Nico.

"Ohhh!!! Then that means, I can finally meet their Genius cook! He should be in here too!" said Rhoanne with a wide grin on her face.

Rhoanne opened the Kitchen door and started Greeting everyone.

"Hello Everyone! We were wondering if we can lend a hand in the kitchen? Hmm?" said Rhoanne as she started surveying the kitchen looking for the Orphanage's Genius Cook.

Everyone suddenly stopped what they were doing, and just smiled at their two merchant guests.

As Rhoanne looked at everyone, She noticed that their faces were stiff and suspicious.

"Rhoanne! Do you ever knock? Seriously, you really can't get rid of this bad habit of yours!" said Nico as he shook his head and sighed.

"Sorry boss... So! Where is this Cook of yours? I don't... see..... him.... around..."

Rhoanne was distracted by what she saw. Everyone was wearing an iron glove while cooking!

Little Sage is holding an Iron Knight Doll, while Ms. Sarah is wearing a helmet!

"Urm, What's with the weird helmet?" asked Rhoanne.

"Nevermind that Big Sis Rhoanne! Our Cook Mister Gu.... Gusfreid just took a break!" said Gretel as she continued frying the onion rings.

"Urm. Yeah! He said he wanted to make desserts as well." said Cindy as she smirked with an evil grin looking at her glove. She suddenly thought that this was the best chance for her to experience something sweet from the great cook Mr. Gus.

Cindy's glove rattled a bit as if it was complaining to the mischievous Fox-eyed Cindy.

"Yeah! He said he needs to.... um... go home and wash his horse too." said Griffin as he smiled.

Everyone, including Ms. Sarah Just glared at him with dead scary eyes.

"Oh, Big brother Griffin! If you stop paying attention, then our Rib Roast might really burn! You should bring them out NOW!" Shouted little Sage as she bopped her iron spoon at her brother's big empty head, a few more times.

"Mr. Gusfreid huh... I'll be sure to remember his name." said Rhoanne.

Nico just sighed at Rhoanne and approached Ms. Sarah.

"Ms. Sarah, we wish to contribute to the Feast with a few of our fine commodities as well. May I know where i can place it down?" asked Nico.

"You can place them inside the Dining room Mr. Nico. The children and I are grateful for your kind contribution!" said Sarah as she bowed thankfully.

"Oh, and Ms. Sarah, If you don't mind, I wish to know how one can cook better with a helmet. I just can't imagine how you do it." whispered Nico to Sarah.

"Let's go, Rhoanne."

"Yes, Boss!" replied Rhoanne, as they stepped out of the kitchen door.

Miss Sarah just bowed. The color of her face is deep red from embarrassment, as she almost forgot she was still wearing Gus's head!