As the bear dragged poor Falkes deeper into the chapel, Daniel took the opportunity to leave the chapel by the hole in the door thanks to Falkes' efforts.

"Damn it! I can't believe I have to leave more people behind, Fuck!"

Daniel was frustrated with himself as he knew he cannot do anything about that monstrosity. Even if he has the power to rank himself among the strongest in Phanzal city, it still might not be enough to deal with that thing. There was only one thing on his mind, and that is to complete the mission that was given to him by his fallen comrades.

At the Village entrance---

The thin and stout guard is on guard duty once more. Usually, their nightly shifts were boring until a few nights ago when strange anomalies have happened nearby. Even so, this did not stop these two from conversing with one another as it became their habit to do so.

"Oh boy! I wonder what dishes Ms. Sarah cooked during the feast? I'm guessin' she must have been responsible for the ribs and bacon, I reckon!" The stout guard fancied Ms. Stillwater since the first time he met her. As a mama's boy himself, he couldn't help but love Sarah's motherly attitude towards the village children.

"Are you babblin' on about Ms. Sarah again? Aren't ya least concerned with the stuff that's been happening around lately!? It's the end of the world, I tell ya! Besides, I think you better give up on Ms. Stillwater, the word is, their guest Mr. Nico from Tenrocks is wooing your Ms. Stillwater."

The thin guard became close to stout guard just because of their nightly shifts together. Other than that, they lived a boring lifestyle. They mostly slept during the day and prepared for their shift as the sun started to set. With such boring nights at the village, all they can do is gossip like mid-aged housewives and form their own curbside committee.

"I cry your mercy! It cannot be! He is here purely for business, you arse!"

"Beshrew thee! You're the arse! Does Ms. Sarah look like a proper businesswoman?! She is a woman of clergy! With beauty and kindness like hers', it's only a matter of time till a bloke comes along and falls for her charms!"

"I thought Ms. Rhoanne was his lover? ---

"Screw you! Ms. Rhoanne is definitely not his lover! With the strength and beauty of hers, she is definitely a professional! She wouldn't mix business and pleasure!... would she?"

Stout guard has just noticed that his friend has a crush on Rhoanne.

"Um, you take a fancy to Ms. Rhoanne?"

"Why of course! And honestly, I think she is better lookin' than Ms. Stillwater,"---

As the duo was about to start yet another endless night of debacle and tomfoolery, they saw Daniel running towards the village exit.

"You two! Run away and hide, quickly!"

Daniel did his best to warn the thin and stout guard that stood watch over the gates during the night.

Unfortunately, Daniel's efforts to warn the guards have failed since they couldn't understand what he was trying to say.

"What the bloody hell is going on now?!"

As Thin guard was about to stop and ask Daniel some questions, he just ran past them.

"H...Hey, Sir! Where are you going?! It's dangerous to wander outside at night!"

The thin guard tries to warn Daniel, as he dashed outside the village gates

"Bloody...What do you think he was running away from?"

Stout guard scratched the back of his head

"I dunno. I don't see anybody behind him,"

"You think we should check it out?"

"And leave our post unattended?! I don't think so! And about the matter with Ms. Rhoanne..."

Although the duo has their flaws, Thin guard took his job seriously so he never abandoned his post.

Meanwhile, Daniel approached the caravan and spotted Mr. Murphy already sitting inside the Caravan.

"Mr. Murphy! We need to report back to the city right away! This village is done for!"

Daniel climbed onto the caravan quickly and told him of the situation at hand.

"Unfortunately, my comrades couldn't make it, so let us depart to Phanzal City immediately and I will explain everything, Mr. Murphy!... Mr. Murphy?... What's wrong?"

"We were waiting for you."---

Daniel's heartbeat shot through the roof, as he heard a familiar metallic voice. Suddenly, the caravan turned into a giant steel cage as iron bars surrounded the whole caravan making it look like a carriage for transporting prisoners.

"I'm sorry Mr. Daniel, i...it...h..he told me to be quiet," Mr. Murphy deeply apologized to Daniel for not warning him about the carriage.

Daniel gave Mr. Murphy a nod and a pat on the shoulder as he sadly accepted the fact that the creature has outsmarted him.

Upon sitting down, he noticed that there were bodies that were lying down inside the caravan.

"Could it be?!"

Lo and behold, his comrades were lying in the caravan, unconscious. Victor, Ben and Falkes are all chained up and unharmed. But he found it quite unusual, as the creature simply drove their steel cart deeper in the forest.

"Will it kill us there? Does he plan to use us for something else?" Such thoughts rushed inside Daniel's head. He fearlessly asked the creature once and for all his intentions towards him and his companions.

"Where are you planning to take us?"

The creature remained unresponsive as it steered the caravan deeper in the forest.


Gus' system interface has pinged multiple notifications as he immediately sobered up and fully regain his consciousness.

"System has successfully updated, and rebooted!"

"The duration of Absinthe's debuff has expired!"

"Requirements for SISTER'S WISH MISSION, part 1 is fulfilled!"


Activating, MAIN MISSION: SISTER'S WISH! part 1

"Fuzz E. Bear and Friends must always help their forest friends in need! Remember, A Fuzz E. Bear adventure is not a Fuzz E. Bear adventure if it doesn't end with a Fuzz E. Bear and friends, Pizza Party!"


-Fuzz E. Bear, Kriss P. Bacon, Chizz E. Mouse, Biff Steak, Fry McChick, and Bob must be in the same Party throughout the duration of the Mission!

-Help your forest friends from their current predicament and Hold a pizza party after!

Time Limit: Before Sunrise

Failure: User will lose the memories of his younger sister, Amanda.

Reward: -Additional Establishment Function!

- Additional floor at User's dungeon of choice!

- 5 skill points!

"For the User's convenience, please follow the direction arrow that the system provided."

Gus was reminded once again about his system's impeccable timing. He couldn't remember the events that happened after he blacked out. He was confused about why he was driving a cart around with captives nonetheless!

"What did I do, this time?!" thought Gus. As he thought further, he asked the System a question he was currently baffled with.

"System, why am I not suffering from a massive hangover?! I feel like I just woke up from a nap!"

"Welcome back Dear User! You are not drunk to begin with, as the System has mentioned, the User is only suffering from the Debuff effects of the item: ABSINTHE, causing the user to undergo the same effects of intoxication along with the temporary negative stats. A Living Armor does not get drunk, dear user!"