Chapter 2

Professor McGonagall hurried her way through the halls, panic and surprise clearly visible on her face. This year seemed to be purposefully trying to test her heart and how much it can take. The year ended with Hogwarts newest celebrity taking security into their own hands and now this...

She finally made it to the Headmaster's office and started frantically knocking.

"Albus! Albus! We have a problem!" It was rare to hear such a lack of composure from the Professor, so Albus Dumbledore, Headmaster of Hogwarts, quickly let her in.

"Minerva, my dear. Please breathe and tell me what happened."

McGonagall complied, but not without a glare, for what she didn't know, but it's always a safe bet to blame the Headmaster. Once she got her breath under control, she shared the news.

"Albus, I just got back from checking the roster, and there's been two new additions, though we're only a week away from the start of the term."

Albus peeked out from his glasses, but otherwise stayed quiet. The twinkle of curiosity was unmistakable though.

"The girl, Albus. She's on the list."

"The girl?" Albus questioned, but it seemed to come to him a second later. His whole countenance became serious. "Notify her father at once, then get Professor Snape. I want you to trace her and bring her here as soon as possible. Hopefully by time Mr. Lovegood is here. Have Professor Snape accompany you."

McGonagall gave a hard nod and quickly went to the door.

"Minerva." Albus called, freezing McGonagall in place. She turned back towards him.

"What was the other name?" McGonagall had to think for a second, with all the commotion she had forgotten there were two additions, not one.

"One I don't recognize, so possibly a Muggle-born, although I don't know why he was only added now."

"There's most likely a connection. The name, my dear." He gently reminded.

"Esper Vallispear."

As soon as the name sounded, the Headmaster made the most expressive face McGonagall has seen in a long time. Surprise.

"Is there something wrong, Albus?" The Headmaster quickly got himself under control.

"Minerva... I want you to be careful when going to find Ms. Lovegood. If this Esper Vallispear is with her..." His face contorted, to what, McGonagall could not tell. It looked like fear, but McGonagall was quick to deny it. "Do not provoke him."

"Albus... do you know this Esper Vallispear?"

"No. No, my dear. I know of his family." He folded his arms on his desk in front of him. "A family with members that have been around since before the Founders."

McGonagall appeared confused from the confession. "There are a lot of families originated from before the Founders, Albus."

"Minerva... Hallia Vallispear was born in 523."


"She's still alive."