CVII. The Supposition

He took a few steps: the hawk was still moving, writhing in pain.

He grabbed one end of the arrow and lifted the dying bird, carrying it with him.

Karl and Reidar, meanwhile, looked at Dag without understanding what he was doing.

Finally, they crossed the narrow path and found themselves on the side of a mountain, covered by a forest of fruit trees.

"I hear the sound of water. Nearby must be a source of mountain water. Let's look for it, we'll stop there" Dag said, riding again.

"Water? I don't hear anything!" Karl told Reidar, who remained silent as he followed Dag.

About 300 yards ahead, Dag stopped and tied the horse to an apple tree. From the adjacent rocks, clear and fresh water gushed, ending up in an indentation among the rocks below.

"Unbelievable! How did you do that? I can barely hear the sound of water from here!" continued Karl, in disbelief.

"Give the horses some water and come next to me, I must show you something" Dag said.