CXVI. The Locust

"Weird? Why should it be weird, you just explained to us the scientific nature of this phenomenon" Karl said, approaching Dag, to observe the inside of the trunk up close.

"Karl... on this planet, millions of years ago there was not even an atmosphere. How could grow trees?!" asked Dag, arousing puzzlement in his companions.

"Do you think the Xis have anything to do with this place too?" said Reidar, trying to figure out what his captain was thinking.

"I can't be sure. In any case, the magic source of this forest is very strong, I can feel it on my skin" concluded Dag, who returned to sit by the fire, to warm up from the cold of the night.

"I propose to do the rounds again tonight" Reidar said.

"All right, but this time you start. I slept very little on the farm, I need to regain my strength" Dag continued, after resting the Red Executioner next to him, so he could lie on the ground, with his leather bag under his head.