CXIX. The Bloody Blade

"Dag! Be careful!" yelled Karl, who didn't know how to help his friend.

"Captain! The head!" shouted Reidar, as he stretched the bow rope, loading an arrow with difficulty, due to the pain caused by wounds on both shoulders.

Dag, after stunned the bat, grabbed the fur on its head, lifting it laboriously in the direction of Reidar, who was aiming.

With an expression of pain, Reidar was able to fire the arrow, which hit the bat full in the forehead, piercing its head.

Blood splattered in Dag's face, who kept holding his grip to avoid falling to the ground.

The Red Executioner was still behind his back and weighed him down greatly, forcing his enemy to give in to the weight.

Reidar stretched his bow again, once again aiming at the head of the giant bat, which, despite the arrow piercing his skull, continued to shake.

Dag with his eyes closed and blood-soaked again tried to hold it still.