CXLI. Phase 1

"Dag! Good morning!" said the grey-bearded old man.

"Good morning!" replied Dag, approaching him.

Before the man could say anything else, Dag interrupted him: "Tonight I thought about what to do with the riches we have taken from the bandits. We will take a part of them, only the things we can carry on our horses without weighing them down too much".

"And what about the rest of the loot?" the old man naively asked, already knowing the answer.

"The two horses that drive the wagon... if well fed and cared for, they will soon be in full force. We will leave you both of them and the wagon so that you can trade with the nearby villages. You won't miss the trade, I assure you" Dag continued, winking at the old man.

"Why do you do all this for us? No one has ever treated us so kindly" he asked, looking Dag in the eye.

"I don't know why... I just do it. The case brought us together and from the first moment, I felt inside me that you needed help" he replied.