CXLIV. The Bid

After a few minutes, he went out again, heading towards his companions with a sack full of warm bread.

"It's snack time! I couldn't resist the call of this great smell. I don't know about you, but lately, I'm always hungry!" said Dag, taking a loaf of bread from the sack and handing the other two over to his companions, who appreciated the thought.

"I asked the baker if he knew where we could sell valuable goods in exchange for money and he told me we should ask a gentleman named Benjamin. He is said to be a collector of all kinds of artifacts" Dag continued, voraciously craving the bread he had in his hands.

After finishing the snack, the three adventurers easily reached the collector's home.

It was a masonry house, much larger and more robust than the surrounding ones.

After tying the horses, they approached the door and knocked politely.