CCXXIX. Sondre

The iron chain tied to the prisoner's wrists fell to the ground with him and the hooded figure stopped, looking down, toward her barefoot feet.

The third guard pulled out a short bow and tried to load a shot, but was immediately hit by an arrow, which pierced his neck, causing it to fall to the ground lifeless.

Reidar, who along with the other two team members was about a hundred yards away from Dag, still managed to help him.

Dag grabbed the chain from the ground and pressed the Giantbane's red-hot blade against it, breaking it in the middle of the prisoner's two arms, which could move her hands again.

Her hands and feet, the only visible parts of the body, were decidedly feminine.

"Forgive me... forgive me, my love, if I didn't come sooner..." Dag whispered, touching the strand of red hair sticking out of her hood and beginning to cry like a child.