CCXXXVI. Blood And Sand

Immediately, one of the two dark arms seized the enemy's weapon and pulled it forcefully backwards, disarming him.

Soon after his opponent fell to the ground, Dag quickly retreated, recoiling his weapons and grabbing Oyvind's, who looked at him in disbelief.

"Just stop playing! Take me back and free Freydis, otherwise, I'll kill you and everyone else that gets in my way!" yelled Dag, sticking the handle of the double-headed axe into the sand, pretending to be ready to activate the teleportation.

"Do you think you can use it? Hahaha! You're just a fool. No one can activate the power of my axe beyond me!" yelled Oyvind, charging at him and pulling two sharp daggers with curved blades from the back of his belt.

Dag left the handle of the axe and immediately pulled out the axe and hammer, ready to defend himself.