CCLII. The Unplanned Answer

Dag rose to his feet and walked back, without looking away from the dull eyes of the Jotunn's head, about 5 or 6 times the size of a human head. 

"Join the Iron Alliance" he said, in a confident tone, looking one by one at all three Crows Of Odin Masters.

For a few seconds, a contemplative silence swooped into the hall.

"I agree, Dag, as I told you before the battle, that only strengthened my opinion. We've nothing to lose from such an alliance, and I think Skjegg needs allies now more than ever" Sander said, sitting back at the table and pouring mead into a half-empty glass next to him.

Dag looked at Kjell, who at that moment turned to him, then to Ellen.

"Gridd, can you show them the Alliance contract?" he asked.

She obeyed without hesitation, extracting the contract from a bag and bringing it to their attention, passing it into the hands of Kjell, who then handed it over to Ellen.