CCLV. Looking Inside

"Here, in less than half an hour, all Skjegg will be in the square and we will make our announcement" Sander said, sitting on one of the temple's stone steps, waiting.

The old shaman, after playing the horn, approached the visitors of the ruins again, looking closely at Dag and the other unknown warriors.

"You are the boy with the huge dark arms... welcome to the house of this humble Odin's servant..." Sivert said with his mocking voice, attracting the attention of Dag, who as soon as he turned, noticed his weird smile, his mouth devoid of most teeth.

 "How does he know that?" asked Karl, who had heard everything.

"Yes, it's me. It's nice to meet you, Sivert. I don't think I saw you with us on Vaeren Island... how do you know these details? Did anyone tell you?" asked Dag, continuing to look at the old man and his strange feathered headgear, which on its top gave a glimpse of his bald head.