CCLVIII. The Inhuman Strength

At those words, Gridd immediately turned to Reidar, who already had his eyes on her, confirming that he had heard every word, while the unsuspecting Karl continued to enjoy the fight and cheered for his friend. 

"Don't babble meaningless words, old man! This is not your call, it isn't up to you to make such a decision! We have no reason to doubt the boy, he put his life as that of his comrades at risk by fighting against our enemies, who have also become his. I'm sure Odin's wrath would fall on us if we didn't show him a modicum of gratitude!" replied Sander aloud, scolding Sivert's insolence, who lowered his head, his hands resting on his stick and walked backwards, returning to the inside of the temple.

Kjell, without ever looking away from the match, said: "don't be afraid, the old Sivert went crazy years ago, we've stopped listening to his words for a long time"