CCLXXIX. Apologize

After his eyes focused on the plants surrounding his hiding place, he slowly fell back asleep, trying to immerse himself again in his previous dream, so that he could return to Earth with his childhood friend, of whom he had not heard from since the Temporum.


The Sun began to make its way through the leaves of the large trees of the Runar Forest, partially illuminating the soil and the undergrowth, in which its inhabitants awoke for a new day.

A sudden noise coming from a bush near his hideout caused Dag to wake up, opening his eyes wide and sitting, resting his hands on his weapons, ready to pull them out despite still being sleepy.

The bushes and branches continued to move, causing a group of squirrels hidden inside of them to escape, and dangling after acknowledging rumors, Dag calmed down, resting his back against the rock face.