CCLXXXI. The Self Consciousness

Dag, before answering, paused for a moment to think, being very impressed by Sander's observation that despite his age and lifestyle, was trying to observe things outside the box, finally beginning to understand that there was something greater than them, the Clans, the gold, the food, and the battles.

"Looking at their appearance, I don't think you'd be surprised. They are identical to us, perfectly human-shaped… the only thing that changes is the color of their skin and that of their eyes".

Before continuing, Dag looked at Gridd for a moment, wondering if it was appropriate to talk to Sander and the others about his true origins.

She nodded her head, advising her brother that he could trust them.

"I was saying... their eyes... they're identical to this one" Dag continued, pointing to his right eye, which looked at all three of his interlocutors, who for a moment pretended not to understand.