CCLXXXV. The Hypothesis

The adventurers mounted on horseback and slowly exited the city, while the sunlight did not yet surmount the high walls of the Rocky Crown.

"So, my friends... we are heading southeast, towards the rocky shores of Runar. Three villages have been completely razed, while others should still be intact... or at least I think so. With any luck, we'll be able to gather more information from the fishermen, who were too scared to think straight the last time we met" Ellen said, who along with Kjell opened the line.

"Three villages? How many enemies were there? I thought you said that only two boats had docked along the coast..." Gridd asked, trying to collect her thoughts.

"That's it, indeed. A bigger boat and a smaller one. When we'll be there, there were about ten of those monsters... considering we didn't find any corpse belonging to them, that means that was the total number of the crew" Kjell added, who kept looking forward, focused on the road ahead.