"I've never seen anything like it, Captain... besides, notice his fingers... those of the hands are stretched in a strange way and that of the feet are bent on themselves, as if this poor man tried intensely to resist something, just before he died. He must have suffered a lot" Reidar sobbed, who bowed his head downwards, out of respect for the deceased.

Dag pulled out the hammer, holding it backward, with the handle facing forward and touched the head of the corpse slightly, which bent drastically on one side, hanging on his neck only through a flap of skin and emitting noise of brittle bones.

"Fuck! Oh..." Reidar exclaimed, who looked away for a moment, disgusted.

After the corpse's head fell to one side by the force of gravity, it slowly dragged the rest of his body with it, which ended up with its stomach on the ground.