CCXCIII. A Tough Nut To Crack

After yet another shot that missed the target, Dag, with a very rapid movement, found himself behind the enemy and jumped, clinging to his neck.

The giant began to squirm, trying to shake off that annoying little thing, and during these abrupt movements, he dropped the Giantbane, which ended up on the ground, near his feet.

Dag, who had already hit him several times without causing him any harm, now began to hit him repeatedly on the head, as if he was a blacksmith and that was his anvil.

The incessant blows stunned the enemy, who began to stagger, without falling to the ground. 

"His skull is so hard that even the head of the hammer can't scratch it! It feels like hitting a rock!" Dag thought, after noticing that after that infinity of blows, on the bald head of the Jotunn, only a small scratch had formed, which had raised a thin flap of skin.