CCXCVI. Where'd it go?

Kjell, on the other hand, had become a fury, fighting to the fullest of his power, with a unique style, which for a moment left Dag and Gridd enchanted, while Reidar moved behind them stealthily, looking for a position from which to contribute to the battle without risking the melee combat. 

The long chains of the owner of the N° 5 emblem twirled in the air like two ravenous snakes, ready to quickly strike enemies, who continued to arrive in large numbers towards him, without being able to hit him.

"Aaagh!" Gridd shouted, running to the center of the battle and attracting the attention of both Masters, who after realizing they had reinforcements, felt safer.

From the windows of the few huts still intact, many small heads sprang up, which were those of the villagers, watching the fight, hoping for the victory of their favorites.