CCC. Last Hope Strike

A large purple lightning bolt struck the head of Magni's hammer, causing Dag, whose body began to succumb to exhaustion, to unbalance.

Emitting superhuman screams and consuming all his last energies, he joined his hands and his two weapons made contact: as soon as the hammer and the glowing blade of the axe touched each other, a blinding light was released and even his companions, still in the village, were forced to cover their eyes. 

Reidar was the first one to watch, and when he saw that scene, his heart stopped beating for a moment, because of the whirlwind of emotions he was experiencing at the time.

Above Dag's head, a tornado of lightning and flames reached the sky, crossing over the dark cloud, which widened and began to dissolve.

The two elements were united and were about to unleash all their power, in that breathtaking spectacle, which made both enemies and allies shudder, both enchanted to admire that infinite beauty.