CCCXXXII. The Celebrity

"Reidar, watch my back, it could be a trap!" Dag exclaimed, who was used to giving orders only to Reidar and Karl and did not know how to behave with all those soldiers.

The archer charged an arrow over the Failnaught and pointed it upwards: two other warriors of the troop did the same, aiming towards the same point.

"You have ten seconds" Dag said, pointing the Giantbane blade at the enemy's neck, still standing on the ground.

"You... you're just a fool... you pretend you don't understand... you're playing with fire..." the man whispered, his face completely covered with a kind of scarf that allowed only the eyes to be glimpsed and a turban-like headdress.

"seven... eight... nine..." 

Dag raised the axe, ready to strike the man to death, when Reidar pushed him away, knocking him to the ground and making him dodge another spear, which impaled the ground.