CCCLI. Spotted!

After fully reinforcing himself, the big gray wolf rose on his paws and began to move along the boat, sniffing here and there, trying to study the environment around him, not being accustomed to the presence of all those humans.

The soldiers sensed this feeling of curiosity from the animal and although at first, they were afraid of him, in a short time they got used to his presence, even managing to caress him on the head, realizing that he was docile and affectionate, despite the long, sharp canines.

Thalos continued to walk among them, under the watchful eye of Dag, who was ready to intervene in case of violent instincts of his four-legged friend.

Sniffing the legs of the soldiers around him, the wolf stopped next to a warrior wearing a white bandana on his head, from which straight black hair sprung up.

The soldier's face was unusually covered by a second bandana, which only allowed his eyes to be glimpsed, which at that moment looked elsewhere.