CCCLX. Reaching The Surface

Dag paused for a moment to reflect, having not thought of this detail.

When most warriors managed to climb, he tied the rope to his belt and along with his woman climbed into the tunnel.

In the initial stretch, the slope was slightly sub vertical, but the smooth and uncut surface of the rocks allowed them to crawl over it with ease.

After more than a hundred meters traveled in this way, following the natural curves in the rock, the diameter of the tunnel began to become narrower and narrower, until they too reached the crossroads.

Above their heads, droplets of water permeated the cracks in the rocks, dripping on them, and the lingering stench of enclosure and moisture became less and less bearable.

Two holes opened in front of them: a larger one on the right, which would probably lead them to the underground lake and a narrower one to the left, as in the description of the soldiers who had climbed earlier.