CCCLXII. The Autopsy

The little piece of wood made a small noise, but it echoed to them, accompanied by the sound of the wind, which blew incessantly.

"Don't be impatient, wait! It could be more than one!" Kjell said, raising his arm toward Dag and preventing him from repeating that gesture, after which, however, they had not perceived any movement inside the hut.

The chain warrior dashed forward and remained lowered, positioned himself on the front wall of the hut, whose door was completely destroyed, partially showing its interior.

"And then I'm the impatient one!" Dag whispered, thinking aloud and cautiously walking across the door, face to face with his ally, as Gridd watched the scene from afar.

Out of the corner of their eyes, they both tried to figure out if there was anyone inside the house, considering that the Jotunn's footprints led right there.