CCCLXVI. A Lead To Follow

"The smell of blood was so strong as to attract Thalos, who is not used to all this cold. It is strange that there are no wolves or other animals living in these climatic conditions" Dag thought, reflecting on the possible fauna that populated those unexplored lands.

Just after thinking of his four-legged friend, from behind the second hut, in which the rest of the troops had spent the night, Thalos sprang up, walking proudly in the fresh snow, with his snout down to the ground, perhaps looking for some olfactory trail to follow.

"Hey... good morning my friend! Did you smell anything?" he asked, leaning down to the large gray wolf, who continued to approach his master.

Thalos kept undaunted to smell on the ground and turn around the huts, without paying attention to his words.

Suspicious of his pet's unusual attitude, Dag followed him, trying to figure out what he had sensed, something so particular that caught his attention so much that he didn't listen.