CCCLXXV. The Celestial Dust

The Masters, for example, released more of it than the Clans warriors, but the substance was still almost imperceptible and Dag had to concentrate a lot to be able to visualize it.

"It can't be..." he said, watching the wolves heading into the distance towards them.

Around them, an enormous amount of that light celestial ethereal substance moved madly, following their movements and breaths, shifting with them.

"The Asgardian Thunder..." Dag whispered again, thinking aloud and realizing what was about to happen.

At those words, Egill, who with his staff was ready to unleash some powerful spell, turned to his colleague and pupil, looking at him in amazement.

"What did you say?" the Master Of Healing asked, to see if he had heard right.

At that moment, a glimmer of hope ignited in Dag's soul, which charged with positivity and began to give orders, like a true leader.