Dag placed the Giantbane on the magnet of his belt and grabbed the hammer with both hands, holding it pointed downwards.

At that moment, the snow around his feet began to move and the solid particles of the soil vibrated, levitating upwards.

Trying not to give in to the rush of the moment and hoping to use that ability, Dag stood still in that position for a few more seconds, while the screams of his allies grew louder and louder, coming to the exhaustion of their forces, having used the maximum of their power to withstand the sudden attack.

Suddenly, one of the wolves hitting the barrier stopped, turning an ear backwards.

After him, another beast-man did the same, blocking his attacks and turning back.

Then another and another.

In less than a minute, the attacks on the barrier ceased and all the wolves stopped as if they were feeling something, a great energy source.