CCCXC. The Soggy Sphere

The two Masters did not arrive in time, that they heard another noise, this time more familiar.

From Dag's shoulders, two dark arms took shape, rising upwards and gaining thickness, growing in size, and becoming very large.

The wolf was able to see them despite his damaged eyes and felt the smell and noise, realizing that it was nothing good for him.

He left Dag's hair and grabbed his arm, sticking his claws in his flesh, trying in every way to loosen his grip so he could free himself and crawling to the ground with the only leg he had, to push him back and get rid of Dag.

Egill and Gridd stopped, knowing that at that point, their intervention would be futile and they could even injure themselves because of Dag's dark powers, also because he seemed to have full control of the two arms, which slowly turned their upper extremities inside, pointing them towards Sander's face.