CDI. The Guardian Of The Passage

"Arf!" Thalos barked, finally returning to his master, who when he saw him, lowered himself for a moment towards him and made sure he was fine.

The wolf had nimbly managed to avoid the impact, but the surprise attack had frightened him a lot, so much so that he forced him to retreat with his tail between his legs.

"Dag, what is it?! What are we going to do?! That hand is huge, it definitely belongs to a monstrous being!" Gridd exclaimed, who as soon as she managed to re-ignite her torch helped her brother illuminate the area, noting that the huge hand was still there, but it was slowly returning in absolute darkness.

"Get out into the open I said! Step forward and face me, if you have the guts!" Dag yelled, making it clear to Gridd and all his listeners that he had no intention of backing down and that he would clear the passage at all costs.