CDXII. The White Fort

"What do you mean by 'what does that mean'? Thalos, besides being my pet, is also an old friend of mine. When I was younger, I spent a lot of time alone training in a pretty remote place. I met him there and since then we have become inseparable, he is more faithful than many people I have known. I know he would never betray me!" 

"Sir, animal families are also used by some of the Claws Of Fenrir warriors, who draw their power from the great wolf, I saw it with my own eyes!" an archer suddenly exclaimed, stepping forward and trying to discredit Dag's words, convinced that he was an impostor.

"Is that the truth, boy? Who tells me you're not one of the Claws Of Fenrir? We have been at war with them for more than a hundred years, you'd better confess if you don't want your men to be killed instantly!" the chief of strangers said, after learning the theory of one of his adepts.