CDXXVII. The Ace In The Hole

"I... I don't know what my Warchief's proposal will be, this is information that only he knows. But if he sent the three of us so far from home just to make peace with you and your Clan, it does mean that he really cares to apologize for what happened" Kjell said, deftly reciting the role of a sorry soldier who bears his captain's orders. 

The three Jotunns and the guards on the side of the door confronted each other, gesticulating and making clear their lack of confidence in the three travelers, when Kranus responded. 

"Get out of my sight. And tell your captain, if he sets foot on my grave, he will pay the consequences! I will exterminate all your people, no one is excluded! I'm going to raze Okstorm to the ground, erasing it forever from Skjold's story! Now go awaaay! Get out before I change my mind!" the old man yelled, using all the breath in his body and exuding strange negative energy from it, which made the air vibrate nearby. 

"Lord Kranus, we..."