CDXL. Fast Attacks

Crossing the axe and hammer in front of him, Trako's blades hit his weapons and released a considerable amount of energy in the form of a shockwave, which spread beyond Dag's body, consuming the ground behind him.

After he parried the blow, he noticed that his body managed to retain some of the ethereal substance useful to the Memory Of Mjöllnir skill, and the giant, with unusual agility for a being of that size, made a backflip in the air and landed on his feet.

As soon as Trako's feet touched the ground, without even giving Dag time to take a breath, he snapped forward again, retrying with the same kind of attack, which was again parried by Dag.


"It's amazing! I've never seen a giant of that tonnage move so fast! He's heavy like a mountain but he's moving like a bird, trying in every way to penetrate Dag's defense!" Karl exclaimed, who approached Gridd and Freydis on the front line, interested in watching the match closely.