CDXLIII. The Huge Building

"However, he has never been interested in the issues that affect us. When there were wars between Clans, he was not present, as well as when there was the siege on your part. Only we warriors have come to the aid of the innocent people that your soldiers have slaughtered, ripping down their bodies and depriving them of their entrails. Remember, Kranus... as you will never forget what happened to your son, the images of those dead bodies on the beach will forever haunt my soul" Dag said, stressing that he was not willing to forget the past.

"My warriors have only executed my own order. I wanted at all costs to take possession of the Crystal of Fire, which paradoxically, right now is here, next to me, in the hands of someone else. Maybe it's how you say... perhaps my son had to die that day so that we could meet and make this speech."