CDLXVI. I Need To Know

"Don't worry, I knew you'd help me... after all, this is not in my interest, but in everyone's interest. Anyway, she's Freydis, one of the strongest Shieldmaidens of the Crows Of Odin Clan. Besides, my woman is also courageous and she decided to take part in our mission" Dag said, immediately making it clear that Freydis should be treated with respect despite the fairer sex and the fact that she had the innocent appearance of a young girl.

"My pleasure, Freydis. You must be proud of your boyfriend's decision... together we will accomplish magnificent feats." 

"I already am. Dag always makes me proud" she replied, without giving Kranus too much confidence, despite his friendly manners. 

The ride to Tungvek lasted a short time, being the great city behind the hill from which the three horses had sprung.