CDLXXIV. The Help Request

"Diplomatic missions can be successful, but they can also fail. In case the Claws Of Fenrir will be not interested in a truce and decide to attack you, there will be so many warriors waiting for them and they will be forced to retreat. Having their forces decentralized and believing that your men are scattered among the various Outposts, they will never expect to be outnumbered... their defeat will be inevitable" Dag explained.

"Mmmh... I've never done diplomatic missions before and I don't think any of my men can do that. Besides, recalling to Tungvek the warriors who years ago left to defend the Outposts, will involve a reset of the army, it will be necessary to find a new configuration to be able to maximize the efficiency of the soldiers..." Kranus thought aloud, who was going to seriously consider the idea.