After just under a second, a low sweep of Freydis's spear also hit the other boy, who fell next to the first. 

"Grraagh! Take this!" 

Dad and Freydis did not have time to defeat the first two opponents, who two more had already arrived and tried to attack them on several fronts, hoping to take advantage of the surprise attack.

Before they could both notice, this time it was Dag who took the first step, sprinting forward and faking a hammer blow.

Both of the soldiers placed their swords in front of their chests, ready to parry the blow, but Dag turned on himself, kicking one at shoulder height and the other with the hammer, which after impacting on the blade of the sword, caused a small shockwave that sent the boy flying for a couple of meters before ending up with his back on the hard floor of the arena.

"You are slow! Slow and predictable!" Dag shouted, preparing to face two other soldiers, who ran from their position after a few seconds.