CDXCII. The Translation

Meanwhile, Freydis extracted some of the food she had kept in secret from the basket the day before, hiding it from Dag to prevent him from eating all their stocks.

"And those? Where did they come from? I'm hungry!" he said, as soon as he saw the bread and pieces of meat his girlfriend had hidden.

"Yes, don't worry... we're going to eat them now. I'm sure we won't have to worry about food tomorrow too, our fellow travelers will think about it" she thought out loud, who, being not a local, had no idea how and where to get food, afraid to walk alone through the streets of Tungvek among all those unknown people.

After eating a bite of his portion, Dag took off the upper piece of the armor and the shirt underneath it, wearing the other sleeping clothes. 

As he turned her back toward Freydis, she looked at him carefully, sipping wine.