DIII. The Packmaster

A small sword with a rusty hilt hung from his belt and a detail of his attire immediately caught Dag's attention.

That kid didn't have the top of his armor bigger than the lower one, but his boots were oversized.

"Surely they belong to his father or some warrior greater than him. He looks like an inexperienced kid who just wants to fight... it reminds me of me when I started training in the arena" Dag thought, looking at him from head to toe, careful not to catch his eye, as he thought about what he was willing to ask his superiors.

Just as he was concentrating on looking at him, he heard the noise of an open door coming from the top of the high spiral staircase that continued over the high ceiling of the room, leading perhaps to the top of the tower visible from the outside.


Slight steps creaked the wooden stairs and gradually, two people descended down.

They were a man and a woman, with a baby in their arms.