DV. The Temperature Drop

Dag's pupils moved slightly from Claire to his new interlocutor and the two looked at each other in the eye for a few moments.

Dag, who was standing in front of the door, remained motionless and silent, while absolute chaos reigned within his mind.

It was as if at that moment, he was struggling between reason, which would allow him not to put his own life and that of others in danger and instinct, which instead would push him to kill the Packmaster and save Claire, freeing her from the chains that held her captive.

"Uh? So? Are you dumb? Don't you have anything to say? What, do you want to attack me? Eheheh! I know you want to do it!" Thyrius exclaimed again, provoking Dag and hoping for an exaggerated reaction.

"Dag, forget it... it's a trap... I know you weren't prepared for this, but we can try to make a deal..." Kranus said in a low voice, putting a hand in front of his mouth to prevent their enemy from reading his lips.