DXVII. The Impostor

"Mercy! Please! I'm just a poor squire! Help!" he cried, trying in vain to move his arms and legs.

"Shut up! Don't you dare talk if you're not asked! I just need a look to shatter all the bones of your rib cage and blow up your internal organs" Kranus said, slowly walking forward to him as if nothing had happened, with both hands behind his back.

Dag couldn't help but think about the ease with which, with a simple gesture, the ice mage had been able to completely block a man a few meters from the ground, threatening him with death.

"Kranus is very strong... I've never seen anyone use magic like this... I wonder how strong he is turned into Jotunn..." he thought, waiting for the old wizard to start talking again.

Meanwhile, Kron remained silent, not expressing his opinion and merely witnessing what was going on before his eyes.

"Commander... I'm not sure that..."