DXXIII. The Blind Test

"Imagine what repercussions this might have on the battle! Imagine having to face enemies you can't even see! Well, you will have understood that, in addition to sight, you will have to refine the other senses, such as hearing, your most useful friend during battles" Atran added, promptly, trying to make the recruits interact, immersed in the speech.

"If we fought in the snow, their footprints would be visible and we could pinpoint their location!" Kane intervened, with his usual first-class spirit.

"Excellent observation! Still... what else could you do in that situation?" Atran continued, turning his head and placing his ear towards the recruits, to hear every word.

"We could throw mud or any other sticky, clearly visible material around us... if an enemy warrior was in our vicinity, we would be able to locate him immediately and he would be disadvantaged!" another of the group leaders said, thinking carefully about the question.