DXXVI. Telling The Warriors

"I think you're right... in a hurry, we can't afford such trivial mistakes... I will go to the palace and notify my most trusted men... they will be in charge of contacting the messengers and spreading the word" Kranus replied.

Meanwhile, from afar, Kron saw Dag, Kranus, and Freydis who as they were heading toward the arena suddenly changed direction and called them with a hand gesture.

"Everybody go to the arena, Kron! Gather all the warriors and let them position neatly. In a few minutes, we will join you!" Kranus shouted to be heard at that distance, not wanting to give any more information in an open place and within everyone's reach.

Kron confirmed with his head that he understood and continued to walk as if he had not seen anything, while Atran and his men were about fifty meters in front of them.

Once inside the Colossus Palace, two men approached Kranus, as if from his eyes they had already realized they could help him.