DXXXVII. Last Survival Chance

"But... but are there two Generals?!" 

"That man... he looks like General Atran! How is that possible?" 

The soldiers began chatting with each other again, finally realizing that the two warriors they were fighting were actually identical.

The gaze of the real Atran, after his last words, gradually rose towards his Commander.

His eyes were full of blood and expressed incredible suffering, as well as his body, marked by the torture he had been forced to endure.

"This man is an impostor... along with my squire misled me and poisoned a glass of wine that was supposed to kill me... after realizing I wasn't dead, they stabbed me several times and when I lost consciousness, they tied me up, locked me in the Outpost stable and stole my armor and weapons. I am the real Atran" the stranger said, confessing to everyone the true story and pointing his dagger at the impostor, who retreated, not knowing how to react.