DLIV. The Pitfall

The door opened completely, showing the interior of the castle.

"What?! It's empty! There's no one in there!" Kranus gasped, who, rubbing his eyes, made an effort to look good at what was behind the door, but saw nothing but a giant empty room.

"Is it possible that you haven't figured it out yet?! The warriors we fought against were just copies! We have been deceived! The energy we spent during the battle will penalize us in the real fight we are about to face now! Wall of shields, quickly!" Dag yelled, who suddenly, without even moving a finger and holding both weapons tight in his hands, activated one of his enhancing skills: Champion's Aura.

Whoever was behind him benefited from the effects of the Hammers Of Thor's ability, which increased their stamina, or the resistance they had lost fighting with all their might.