DLXIII. The Resolver

"What?! D... Dag!" Freydis yelled, peeping with her head to the side of the ice wall that had protected her eyes, realizing before the others that amid all that smoke, Dag's shape was the only distinguishable one. 

Under the astonished gaze of all the warriors of the three Clans, only one man stood beyond that smoke, with one arm raised to the sky and something in his hands. 

That man was Dag, the young Master of Okstorm, and what was in his hands was the now unrecognizable head of the Keeper, the general of the enemy forces. 

In front of his feet, the almost entirely burned body of the enemy and that of Bloodfang, who had been spared by his fury and laid unconscious in the impact crater, in its human form, and with its upper body slightly damaged.