DLXVI. Worthless Toys

"Hakon..." he whispered, clenching his fists and letting the dark power take over his body again, trying to control the incredible anger that was about to envelop him and knowing that, if he let himself go completely to his instincts, he would benefit that fearsome enemy, perhaps the strongest ever faced.

The man's arms rose and his hands covered in black leather gloves sprang from the wide sleeves of the cape.

The same hands grabbed the big hood and, in a rapid movement, moved it from his head, finally revealing his true identity.

Two fire-red eyes were pointed at Dag and a red hair mohawk sprang out of the hood, a distinctive feature of the Lies Of Loki boss.

Hakon's expression put the chills on everyone in front of him: a slight malignant smile and shadow on his face communicated his enormous power, made of pure wickedness.

After taking off his hood, he grabbed the cloak at his chest and violently pulled it away, throwing it to the ground.