DLXX. Full Dark Body

With impressive speed, but still less than Bloodfang's, which was always increasing, Hakon turned on himself and hit Dag in the chest with a kick.

The young Master felt a sharp pain and pushed back again taking advantage of the grip on the ground of his dark arms.

"What?!" he whispered, noting that his armor had been cut at the blow and that blood was leaking from the cut into the leather.

His gaze fell on Hakon, who still had his leg lying down and was giggling satisfied.

A blade similar to the one that came out of his wrist, but shorter, had popped out of his boot just before he kicked and was soiled with Dag's blood.

Reidar continued to look closely at the fight, noting that Hakon's true strength did not actually derive from any unchallenging power, but from his style of combat, which bordered on perfection.