DLXXI. The Green Fire

The leader of the enemies began to speak, but before he could finish the speech, behind the cloud of smoke of the newly disappeared body, Dag came up, throwing a second violent punch, hitting Hakon in the chest and making him fly for another ten meters until he impacted the wall of the arcades.


The enemy's crash into the concrete of the wall caused a bomb-like noise and after he crushed on it, Dag stood still in his position, noting that the second clone had also disappeared.

"the dark matter made my legs incredibly strong and fast... I don't know why I've never done it before, but maybe it's better that way... Hakon didn't expect that" Dag thought, looking at the palm of his hand, which was completely black, like the rest of his body excluding his head.

As Dag's allied soldiers and friends silently rejoiced at his successful attack, the young Master continued to look closely at the point of Hakon's impact.