DLXXIX. The End Of The Hegemony

Without thinking twice, Dag put it in the other pocket of his pants, focusing on the three objects left in his hand, knowing that, among them, there was the emblem that would give him the title of the second strongest warrior in the world, inferior only to King Einar, who owned the first.

In his hand, there were a long rusty key, a gold ring, and the hilt of a dagger, deprived of its blade.

Carefully, he tried to study the details as soon as possible, realizing that those in his hands were the second, third, and fourth emblems, although he could not attribute to each object its own value.

"This is a problem that I will solve later, now I am exhausted" Dag thought out loud, putting all those objects in his pocket and looking up at the castle as if he had forgotten that all his comrades and allied army soldiers had witnessed his clash.