DC. Her Last Hope

Freydis, looking at Dag again, immediately recovered from the shock and, realizing that she was still alive and without even a scratch, continued her advance, screaming and trying to give strength to the men running next to her.

Atran, who had surpassed the Shieldmaiden and had become the frontrunner, without thinking twice, jumped towards the Xis again activating the same skill with which he had smashed that huge piece of stone, upgrading his only dagger into a golden aura.

The Xis quickly turned his eyes towards him and within himself, Atran perceived a feeling never felt in his life: a deep frost covered every part of his body as if his muscles, bones, and organs had just been immersed in a freezing lake and sore.

While flying in mid-air, poor Atran was stopped just when he was less than two meters from Dag.